Number System Questions Pg3

Number system Questions pg3


  1. The sum of all prime numbers between 58 and 68 is
  1. 178
  2. 183
  3. 179
  4. 187

Answer is d

2. The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is always divisible by

  1.  9
  2. 21
  3. 3
  4. 15

Answer is c


3. Arrange the following fractions in decreasing order 3/5, 7/9, 11/13

  1. 7/9, 3/5, 11/13
  2. 11/13, 3/5, 7/9
  3. 3/5, 7/9, 11/13
  4. 11/13, 7/9, 3/5

Answer is d

4. Six numbers are arranged in decreasing order. Of these, the average of the first five numbers is 30 and the average of the last five numbers is 25. The difference between the first and the last numbers is

  1. 25
  2. 30
  3. 5
  4. 20

Answer is a

5. The Sum of three fractions is 2 × (11/24). When dividing the largest fraction by the smallest fraction 7/6 is obtained which is 1/3 greater than the middle fraction. The smallest fraction is

  1.  3/4
  2. 3/7
  3. 5/6
  4. 5/8

Answer is a

Read More: Number System Concepts


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