Percentage Questions and Answers Pg2

Perncentage Questions pg


  1. Half of 1 percent, written as a decimal, is
  1. 0.02
  2. 0.05
  3. 0.2
  4. 0.005

Answer is d

2. If 3

  1. 4
  2. 7
  3. 3
  4. 7

Answer is b


3. 498 is 1

  1. 580
  2. 620
  3. 610
  4. 600

Answer is d

4. What is to be added to 1

  1. 84
  2. 36
  3. 24
  4. 60

Answer is b

5. A number is divided into two parts in such a way that 8

  1. 130
  2. 145
  3. 125
  4. 135

Answer is d

Read More: Percentage Concepts


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