Percentage Questions and Answers

Perncentage Questions pg
  1. If x is 80% of y, what percent of y is x?
  1. 80%
  2. 125%
  3. 75%
  4. 100%

Answer is b

2. If 8% of x is the same as 4% of y, then 20% of x is the same as

  1. 16% of y
  2. 50% of y
  3. 10% of y
  4. 80% of y

Answer is c


3. 15% of 100/3

  1. ₹ 150
  2. ₹ 105
  3. ₹ 5
  4. ₹ 0.05

Answer is c

4. In a school, 40% of the students play football, and 50% play cricket. Let 18% of the students neither play cricket nor football, then the percentage of the students playing both is

  1. 32%
  2. 8%
  3. 40%
  4. 22%

Answer is b

5. 0.01 is what percent of 0.1?

  1. 1/10
  2. 1/100
  3. 10
  4. 100

Answer is c

Read More: Percentage Concepts


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